Translation of work-record card
Translation of work-record card
перевод трудовой книжки Copy State emblem — # — WORK-RECORD CARD Surname: —- Name: —...
Translation of Recommendation paper
Translation of Recommendation paper
Recommendation paper issued to —– who studied at the preparatory department of the National university...
Translation of letter of explanation to embassy
Translation of letter of explanation to embassy
Embassy of the United States of America Consular department —— Ukraine   Dear Sir or...
Translation of Receipt (payment)
Translation of Receipt (payment)
Receipt # —-   Date of payment: —- Date of conversion— Currency Debit of account...
Translation of identification code (taxpayer code)
Translation of identification code (taxpayer code)
CARD OF A NATURAL PERSON – TAXPAYER Interregional State Tax Inspection of —- Informs that...
Translation of State Act about right of possession for ground area
Translation of State Act about right of possession for ground area
Series — #— LIST Of co-owners of ground area # Last name, name, patronymic of...
Translation of military records book (военный билет)
Translation of military records book (военный билет)
Military records book — # —- PHOTO Surname — Name — Patronimic — Date of...
Translation of assesment report
Translation of assesment report
ASSESMENT REPORT Private Enterprise “—” (assessment certificate #—- from —-, issued by the State Property...
Translation of request of alimony for an underage child
Translation of request of alimony for an underage child
Place of residence: —– WRIT about request of alimony for an underage child I was...
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Translation of request of alimony for an underage child

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