
Translation of military records book (военный билет)
Translation of military records book (военный билет)
Military records book — # —- PHOTO Surname — Name — Patronimic — Date of...
Translation of marriage certificate, USSR
Translation of marriage certificate, USSR
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE Citizen —- Born on — in — town, — region, — oblast and...
Translation of marriage certificate, Ukraine
Translation of marriage certificate, Ukraine
Ukraine State Emblem MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE Family name — Name — Patronymic name — Born —...
Translation of certificate about consolidated tax payment
Translation of certificate about consolidated tax payment
Свидетельство об оплате единого налога State emblem APPROVED Order of the state tax administration of...
Translation of death certificate
Translation of death certificate
Ukraine State Emblem Re-issue DEATH CERTIFICATE Family name — Name — Patronymic name — died...
Translation of divorce certificate
Translation of divorce certificate
Ukraine State Emblem DIVORCE CERTIFICATE The marriage between husband — and wife —- is dissolved...
Translation of certificate about transport facility registration
Translation of certificate about transport facility registration
Перевод техпаспорта на легковой автомобиль   UKRAINE Certificate About transport facility registration Registration # —...
Translation of certificate about citizens association registration
Translation of certificate about citizens association registration
Свидетельство про регистрацию объединения граждан Main purpose of activity To assist in popularization and development...
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Translation of certificate about citizens association registration

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