Translation of Recommendation paper

Recommendation paper

issued to —– who studied at the preparatory department of the National university of “—” from — till —-, and from — till — was a student of the foreign languages department of the university.

Our cooperation with —- started in 2003 when under my supervision she was writing her qualification paper “The usage of game in the monologycal speaking on the first level of secondary education”, which was defended with the grade “excellent” (91 points). It is worth mentioning that the student actively and with responsibility treated to the process of writing the scientific work. The student was also interested in the modern researches in the sphere of pedagogics. The prospects of the student as a young researcher made me continue our cooperation and in June — —- under my supervision successfully defended diploma paper “The usage of game in the monologycal speaking on the higher level of secondary education” and acquired Specialist’s degree diploma.

Productivity and success of our cooperation influenced my decision to further coordinate scientific activity of the Student —— in future and writing scientific work “The usage of business game in the process of professional training of students of higher educational establishments”.

When —- graduated from the university our scientific cooperation continued. In —- she became an applicant at department of pedagogics and psychology of the National university of “—”. She used to write research articles and take part in scientific conferences, she was searching for possible topic for future dissertation and preparing to enter postgraduate study.


During the period from 2006 until present moment —- has published 7 research articles in professional editorials of the Higher Accreditation Council of Ukraine. She repeatedly accompanied me in business trips to HAC of Kyiv, where we got acquainted with leading Ukrainian scientists. We consulted with them as for topic and subject matter for future scientific dissertation. Repeatedly she also was present at defenses of dissertations where i was scientific opponent as well as took part in conferences and attended courses in improvement of teacher’s qualification.

On —- in accordance with the protocol #7 the Higher Accreditation Council of Ukraine approved the topic of her candidate dissertation research – Moral education of students in higher educational establishments of the USA (13.00.01. pedagogics).

Previously on — —— passed the candidate’s exam in the English language with the grade “excellent”, on —- she successfully passed candidate’s examination in pedagogics, —- entered postgraduate course of the National university of “—-”, specialty 13.00.01. “general history and theory of pedagogics” and began to write research dissertation. At the present moment —– is about to finish the dissertation research, and we intend to defend it in —–.

During the period of cooperation from —– until now —- revealed herself to be a prospective and qualified scientific researcher. She thoroughly and with responsibility treated studying and scientific work. Her scientific work may in future become a basis for creation of academic course “Moral education”, which will be read at the departments of foreign languages, religious studies and cultural studies of the National university of “—-” and at the departments of foreign languages of the of the National university of —- – in the city of —- as the subject of her scientific research is actual and new in the sphere of pedagogical Ukrainian science.

Signature of the dean of humanitarian department of the National university of “—–”, doctor of the pedagogical science, professor —–


Contact information: —


cell phone:—-

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Translation of Recommendation paper

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