Translation of State Act about right of possession for ground area

Series — #—


Of co-owners of ground area


Last name, name, patronymic of citizen, person without citizenship, name of juridical person

Address of co-owner

Share in the common property


Head ________________________________________

(name of local state administration)

Seal ________________ _____________________

Signature Surname

Director ______________________________________

(name of state authority of land resources)

________________ _____________________

Signature Surname



Right of possession for ground area

Series – #—

State act of the right of possession for ground area issued to


place of residence—-

According to Decision of the town council of — town from —- # —

is the owner of ground area with square 0.0696 hectares in accordance with the plan (in case of appearance of the right of co-ownership for the ground are there will be a list of its co-owners added)

The ground area is located: —-.

Purpose of the ground area: for constructing and maintenance of a dwelling house, utility rooms and constructions.

The present act is made in two copies, the first of which is given to the owner of the ground area and the second one is stored in Land resources department of —- town.

The act is registered in the Register of state acts about right of possession for land and about right of permanent usage of land, contracts of land rent # 01.05.586 00241



Executive committee, town council of —


Land resources department of — town

Mayor Mayor of — town


Head of the Land resources department of Ostroh town


На англійську
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Translation of State Act about right of possession for ground area

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