Translation of Supplement to the Diploma of Higher Education, Specialist, law


to the Diploma about Higher Education

(not valid without the Diploma)

Last name:

First name:

Middle name:

Date of birth:

Previous document about education: Bachelor’s degree diploma – №-

Full name of the educational institution:

The NationalUniversity of

Title of the Diploma: Speciaslist’s Degree Diploma

Type of the program: Specialist Educational and Professional Training Program

Period of study: 10 months

Form of study: Full-time studying

Field of study/Major: 0601 Law

Specialization: 7.060101 Legal Studies

Period of internship: Pre-diploma internship – 8 weeks

Academic rights: Receiving of Complete Higher

and Post-graduate Education

Professional rights: Eligible to work as a lawyer.

Date of admission: July 30th, 2004

Date of graduation: June 18th, 2005

Additional documents about education:

— # —

Additional Information

Type of educational institution: State Higher Educational

Institution of the 3rd-4th level of accreditation


Conditions of admission:

in accordance with application

Program requirements:

Basic Higher Education in the field of Law

Study hours:

Ratio of academic hours to student’s independent work –


Examination system:

Trimester credits and exams

Grading system:

The rating system is based on the scale of 100 points, is used to grade credits and exams, and corresponds to the traditional four levels scale:

“Excellent” – 91-100 points

“Good” – 76 – 90.99 points

“Satisfactory” – 61-75.99 points

“Fail” – less then 61 points

Written degree work (title, fulfillment period, and grade):

Diploma thesis was defended with the grade “good” / 80 points

Fulfillment period: 4 weeks

Attestation (State Examinations)

Name of the discipline (course)


Theory of State and Law

Report #2, State Examination

Committee Session #1

from June 1st, 2005

80 / good


Civil Law and Civil Procedure

Report #1, State Examination

Committee Session #3

from June 9th, 2005

78 / good

On behalf of the State Examination Committee

on June 14th, 2005 acquired the qualification of Lawyer

Head of the State Examination Committee (Signature)

Rector (Signature)

Official Seal


City of


June 18th, 2005


Registration number

The curriculum consists of the following disciplines (courses):

Name of the discipline








Taxation of Enterprises


76 / pass

Philosophy of Law


85 / pass

Forensic accounting


76 / good

Customs Law


91 / pass

Agrarian Procedure


83 / pass

Methodology of executing civil procedure documents


98 / excellent

Law of obligation


78 / good

Juridical psychology


65 / satisfactory

Banking Law


91 / pass

Insurance law


85 / good

Incorporeal right


70 / satisfactory

Pre-diploma internship


91 / excellent




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Translation of Supplement to the Diploma of Higher Education, Specialist, law

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