Letter of motivation 1

I am a third-year student of the National University of —-. My specialty is political science. I am applying for participation in the summer school in Vyschegrad aiming to study history, culture and traditions of Poland, the western neighbor of Ukraine, member of NATO and UE. The processes and questions of North Atlantic integration are interesting for me as a future political scientist. Taking into consideration that Poland is a member of NATO and EU I intend to find out which changes the integration into these structure brought to Poland, and how positive they were. I also want to inquire about differences between Poland and Ukraine which is for now neither member of EU nor of NATO. I intend to share my acquired experience with the Ukrainian citizens who have not yet finally decided whether to enter the mentioned structures or not.

Studying in the school will give me an opportunity to widen my outlook, to familiarize with the Polish history and culture from the point of view of its people. I will also be able to compare the differences in description of history by Ukrainian and Polish scientists. It is also important for me to improve my Polish language as in future I would like to continue studying in one of the Polish Universities.

To my mind communication with foreign students could be useful experience. This will give me a chance to find out about their attitude towards events currently happening in the modern world. Well, this will bring me new friends.

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Letter of motivation 1

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