Translation of marriage certificate, Ukraine


State Emblem


Family name


Patronymic name


in — town, — oblast, Ukraine

Citizen of Ukraine


Family name


Patronymic name

Born on

in — town, — region, — oblast, Ukraine

Citizen of Ukraine

have entered into a marriage —- (the —-)

that is registered in the civilian registry book record No.— from —.


After marriage the husband has received the family name , wife: —.

Place of registration: registry office of —- regional Administrationof Justice .

State authority that issued the certificate: registry office of — regional Administrationof Justice in .

Data of issue:


Signature of the head of the

registry office: signature /—/


Round official seal

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

registry office of —- regional Administration of Justice in — oblast.

Series: — #–

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Translation of marriage certificate, Ukraine

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