Translation of Gift contract, ground area



Gift contract

— city —- oblast, —

We: ——– (identification # —, registered: —–city), hereinafter referred to as the “DONER” from one part and —– (identification # –, registered: —– city), hereinafter referred to as the “DONEE” from the other part, having familiarized with the current legislation concerning validity of agreements, have agreed as follows:

1. “DONER” presented and “DONEE” accepted as a gift in accordance with the private property right a ground area with the square of 0,2235 (zero point two thousand two hundred and thirty five ten thousandth) hectares, located in ——.

2. The purpose of the ground land is for construction and maintenance of a living house, utility buildings and constructions.

3. The mentioned ground area belongs to the “DONER” in accordance with the private property right and on the basis of the State act about property right for the ground area, series —- # —- issued by the — town council on —- on the basis of the — town council decision from —-, 2005 #—, and registered in the Register of state acts about property rights for land and right for permanent usage of land, land rent agreements under # —-, cadastral number of the ground area ——

4. The parts estimate this gift in the amount of 4079 hrv. 64 kop. (four thousand and seventy nine hryvnas 64 kopecks).

5. Normative valuation of the ground area as for —-, in accordance with the Extract from technical documentation about normative pecuniary valuation of ground area, issued by the Administration of State Common Land in — region of — oblast # — from —-, comprises 4079 hrv. 64 kop. (four thousand and seventy nine hryvnas 64 kopecks).

6. The “DONER” certifies that this ground area till the present moment was not sold or presented to anyone, it is not mortgaged, it is not a subject of argument and it is not under prohibition, it is not a part of statutory fund, and that there are no rights concerning third person as on the territory of Ukraine, so and abroad, that there are no debts in taxes or other payments. Information concerning absence of debts or tax mortgage was checked by means of Unified register of prohibition of disposal of property #—- from —- and Register of encumbrance for movable property about tax mortgages #—- from —- that is supported by certificates issued by the private notary —–.

7. In accordance with the certificate about legal status and special limitations, there are no encumbrances for the ground area issued by the State enterprise “Center of state land cadastre”, —- department #—- from —-, 2009, as well as special limitations for the ground area specified. There is no information about present debt limitations and servitudes in the State register of lands. In accordance with the certificate issued by the Department of regional development and construction # — from —-, there are no constructions on the ground area disposed as well as there were no construction works held.

8. WE, the “DONER” and the “DONEE”, confirm that the present agreement is made between us not about a human eye, does not conceal any other agreement between us and corresponds to our true intentions to create corresponding legal consequences. All arguments, coming from the present agreement, shall be solved by negotiations otherwise in court.

9. The wife of the “DONER” agreed for the present agreement to be concluded that was certified by the private notary of the —- municipal notarial district —- under the number 250—– from —-.

10. The “DONEE” shall cover all expenditures on drawing up and issue of the present agreement.

11. The essence of assets 81, 90, 91, 120, 125, 126, 202, 206 of the Land Code of Ukraine, assets 190, 212 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine has been explained to the parties.

12. The agreement is made in two copies, one of which remains at the notary’s storage, and the other having the force of the original is handed to the “DONEE”

Signature: “DONER” Signature —-

“DONEE” Signature —–


—-. the present agreement is certified by me, —-, the private notary of —– municipal notarial district. The agreement is signed by the parties in my presence.

The identity of the parties is established, the capability and belonging of the ground area to —– is verified.

This agreement must be registered in the state register in accordance with the asset 202 of the Land code of Ukraine.

Registry # —-

Payment received in accordance with the asset 31 of the Law of Ukraine “About Notary activities”

Round official seal

Private notary


Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

— municipal notarial


Private notary: Signature —-

—- city


Private notary

I, private notary —-. of —- municipal notarial district certify the authenticity of this photocopy

Registered under #—

Payment received in accordance with the asset 31 of the Law of Ukraine “About Notary activities”

notary: Signature



Attention! This blank has a multilevel falsification protection. Ministry of Justice of Ukraine


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Translation of Gift contract, ground area

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