Translation of Gift contract, appartment

REGISTERED in the electronic register of rights of ownership to immovables



Gift contract


Round official seal of the

Regional department of the

housing management

Code —–

Town of –, — oblast. October “—-” two thousand four.

We: —- (place of residence: ——–), hereinafter referred to as the “DONER” from one part and —- (place of residence: —–), hereinafter referred to as the “DONEE” from the other part, have agreed as follows:

1. “DONER” presented and “DONEE” accepted as a gift apartment #1 (one) in the house # 4 (four) ———— oblast.

2. The apartment consists of one living room, living space —– square meters, kitchen, toilet, corridor, built-in wardrobe, total space —- square meters.

3. The mentioned apartment belongs to —– under the Gift contract certified by the private notary of the municipal notarial district —–. —— with the registry # —-, registered in the —- regional technical inventory bureau on —– # —–.

4. The parts estimate this gift in the amount of 10 000 hrv. 00 kop. (ten thousand) hryvnias 00 kopecks.

5. Total price of the apartment being presented is 14 718 hrv. 00 kop. (fourteen thousand seven hundred and eighteen) hryvnias 00 kopecks.

6. The “DONER” certifies that this apartment till the present moment was not sold or presented to anyone, it is not a subject of argument, it is not under prohibition or encumbrance and it is not under mortgage.

7. All expenditures on drawing up and issue of the present contact bears the “DONEE”.

8. I, the “DONEE”, have been explained clause # 13 of the Rules that determine the usage of houses and territories near them, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on October 8, 1992 # 572.

9. The contract is made in two copies, one of which remains at the notary’s (——) storage, and the other having the force of the original is handed to the “DONEE”

Signature: “DONER” Signature

“DONEE” Signature —-

Town of —, —- oblast. —-, 2004

This contract is certified by me, ——, the private notary of the municipal notarial district.

The contract is signed by the parties in my presence.

The identity of the parties is established, the capability and belonging of the presented apartment to —— is checked.

This contract must be registered in the electronic register of rights of ownership to immovables.

Payment received in accordance with the asset 31 of the Law of Ukraine “About Notary activities”


Round official seal

Private notary


Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

—-, municipal notarial

district in —– oblast


Registry # —-

Private notary: Signature —-.

—- #



Attention! This blank has a multilevel falsification protection. Ministry of Justice of Ukraine


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Translation of Gift contract, appartment

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