
Translation of wedding ceremony certificate
Translation of wedding ceremony certificate
Свидетельство про венчание CERTIFICATE This is to certify that it has been administered a Holy...
Translation of international passport
Translation of international passport
This passport is the property of Ukraine In the name of Ukraine, the Minister of...
Translation of child care contract
Translation of child care contract
Civil Agreement Town of — —-, 2009   —-, hereinafter referred to as “Employer” from...
Translation of external economic contract 2
Translation of external economic contract 2
C O N T R A C T № _______ Mozyr ______________ The JSC “—-”,...
Translation of external economic contract
Translation of external economic contract
CONTRACT 0/1 Illichivsk December 11, 1991 Firm …………. Kyiv, hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”...
Translation of products manufacture and shipment contract
Translation of products manufacture and shipment contract
CONTRACT No. Place: —–. Date: Dec.21, 2007. This contract is made between —-., LTD.(China)( hereinafter...
Translation of Master training contract
Translation of Master training contract
CONTRACT About Master training —–, 2007 # 2 The National university of “—-” is presented...
Translation of Gift contract, appartment
Translation of Gift contract, appartment
REGISTERED in the electronic register of rights of ownership to immovables — STATE EMBLEM UKRAINE...
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Translation of Gift contract, appartment

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