Translation of child care contract

Civil Agreement

Town of — —-, 2009


—-, hereinafter referred to as “Employer” from one party, and —- hereinafter referred to as “Employee” from another party, have agreed as follows:

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1 The Employer entrusts and the Employee assume a liability to provide services in caring of a child in accordance with the List of works and services (see Appendix to the Agreement #1), who is a daughter of the Employer – —-, born in the year —-.

The Employee shall perform the work at her own risk, she has no right to receive any assistance from Social Insurance Company, and she pays no insurance payments for obligatory state social insurance against temporary loss of ability to work and expenditures, which come from birth and upbringing.

1.2 The Employer shall provide the Employee with all necessary for performing works foreseen in the present Agreement.

1.3 The Employer shall pay the salary for the work performed to the Employee in time.

1.4 The Employee shall keep to the rules of the work order of day: five working days per week, from 8.30 till 17.30; overwork – 8 hryvnas/hour.

1.5 The Employer shall provide the Employee with simple food: bread, sandwiches, eggs, tea, coffee, sugar, butter, vegetables.

1.6 The Employee shall provide the Employer her Medical record book valid at the moment of starting work, and shall be passing medical control in the terms defined by the Legislation during the period of the present Agreement validity

2. Payment

2.1 For the work performed the Employer shall pay the Employee payment to the amount of 18960 (one thousand nine hundred and sixty) hryvnas per month.

2.2 The payment shall be made in the last working day of a month.

2.3 After six months of work the Employer may provide the Employee a holiday for up to 24 days with payment at least 100% of the salary.

3. Liability of the Parties

3.1 The Employee is financially responsible for causing damage to household appliances while performing her work duties.

3.2 The Employer shall be responsible for the life and health of the child; for safekeeping of the property during the period of the working time; for the quality and timeliness of her duties.

3.3 The Employer shall be responsible for performing her obligations in accordance with the present Agreement.

4. Anticipatory repudiation

4.1 The Agreement may be dissolved by mutual consent.

4.2 In case one of the Parties violates her obligations in accordance with the Agreement the other Party has the right to dissolve the Agreement unilaterally.

5. Other terms

5.1 All disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved in accordance with the Legislation.

6. Validity of the Agreement

6.1 The period of validity of the Agreement is from January 1st 2009 till December 31 2009-09-11

6.2 The Agreement may be prolonged by mutual consent.

7. Juridical addresses and requisites of the Parties


Passport: —-

Issued by —-

Address: —-

Identification code: —




Passport: —-

Issued by—-


Identification code: —


Appendix # 1

List of services and responsibilities

  1. Keeping a journal.
  2. Feeding the child, to cook and warm food – 3 times a day.
  3. Washing dishes.
  4. Washing sink and surface for cooking.
  5. Dressing and undressing the child in accordance with the temperature conditions.
  6. Day sleep, preparation to sleep (changing clothes, washing the child’s lower parts)
  7. Walks 1-2 per day in accordance with the weather.
  8. Games, which help to develop intellectual growth and physical development of the child.
  9. Hygienic and medical nursing: washing, taking medicines (in case of necessity), attending hospital, massage.

10. Keeping cleanliness and order in the child’s room, washing toys.

11. Developing exercises: reading, drawing, modeling, learning poems and songs by heart, physical exercises; learning to dress unassisted, clean and eat.



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Translation of child care contract

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