Переклад Заява про згоду на виїзд дитини за кордон, батько й мати
State emblem
Born in —
place of residence: —-
(passport: —, issued 11.01.2010, by the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in —)
identification # —
Born in —
place of residence: —
(passport: -, issued -, by the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in –)
identification # —
We, —- and —, parents of underage —, born on —, give our consent to temporary going abroad, to Denmark, of our mentioned above daughter for the period from July 07th, 2010 till August 04th, 2010, who will cross the border without the parents’ escort but under escort of stewardess on duty, who will escort our daughter during the flight. After arrival on the territory of Denmark our daughter will be met by —–, born in 1969, who is native sister of —–. She will take our daughter under her guardianship and full upkeep. As soon as the specified period of our daughter staying in Denmark finishes —- will escort our daughter to stewardess on duty who will escort our daughter during the flight from Denmark to Ukraine and will pass the mentioned daughter to the mother, —-, in the airport of Kyiv city.
June 01st, 2010
Signature: 1. Signature —
2. Signature —
Town of –, — oblast, Ukriane. The first of June, the year two thousand ten.
I, —- private notary of the — municipal notarial district of — oblast, certify the authenticity of the signatures of —- and
— # —
Attention! This blank has a multilevel falsification protection.
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
—, made in my presence. — and —-, who signed the document, have been identified. Their ability to work checked.
Registry # —-
Payment received in accordance with the asset 31 of the Law of Ukraine “About Notary activities”
Private notary: Signature
Round official seal
Private notary
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
— municipal notarial district
—- oblast