Переклад Заява про згоду на виїзд дитини за кордон, батько

Опубліковано: 16.05.2014


State emblem


From the citizen

(place of residence: —,

Passport — # —, issued by the —- Regional Department

of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in — oblast on —,

identification number )


I, , father, give my consent to my under age daughter, (born on -), going abroad to Thailand.

I inform that in accordance with the asset 6 of the Law of Ukraine “About the procedure of departure and entrance into Ukraine” there are no grounds to circumscribe the right of —- to go abroad.

Father Signature


June 04, 2007, I, —-, private notary of the —- regional notarial district in — oblast, certify the authenticity of the signature of the citizen which was made in my presence.

Person of the citizen who signed the document is identified.

Registry #

Payment received in accordance with the asset 31 of the Law of Ukraine “About Notary activities”

Private notary: Signature


— # —

Round official seal

Private notary


Attention! This blank has a multilevel falsification protection.

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

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