Translation of land ownership certificate

Свидетельство о праве собственности на землю


Council of deputies of —

Town council




Land ownership

—-, 1995 —- city


State property Fund of the town Council of deputies certifies that the apartment (premises of the apartment of common living, one-apartment house) located in — city, address: —., in accordance with the private common (joint or partial) property right really belongs to citizen and members of his family and .

Total square of the apartment is 69,1 /living area 41,5/ sq.m., and the replacement cost at the moment of privatization is 1209250 / one million two hundred nine thousand and two hundred and fifty hryvnas.

The description of the apartment and its equipment are in the technical passport.

The certificate is issued in accordance with the order from —-/

Director of the State Property Fund Signature







Appartment —, address: —– city, is registered in the State Property Fund in accordance with the private common (joint or partial) property right and is registered in the register under # 27 1867 (page 128 volume 2)


Director of the State Property Fund Signature







Appartment # —, address: —-city, is registered by the municipal Bureau of Technical Inventory in accordance with the private common (joint or partial) property right and is registered in the register under # —- from —-


Head of the Bureau of Technical Inventory Signature





На англійську
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Translation of land ownership certificate

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