Translation of certificate about right to perform works of high danger

Certificate #

of right to perform works of high danger





Center of Staff Training

Construction administration

of the —- —-






issued to

to certify that he completed a course of studying in the Center of Staff Training of the Construction administration of the —- — Limited in the town of — on —-

specialty electrician, repairing and maintenance of electrical equipment

the qualification committee decided to give qualification electrician of the 6th level, repairing and maintenance of electrical equipment

to —-

Works allowed to be performed technical maintenance and repairing of electrical equipment of industrial enterprises, agricultural productions and domestic electrical installations.


Grounds: protocol of the qualification committee # 35


Head of the qualification committee

Signature —-

Representative of the special authorized person of the central authority of the executive power in the sphere of labour protection control


Director of the education establishment



Center of Staff Training

Construction administration

of the —- —-


На англійську
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Translation of certificate about right to perform works of high danger

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