annotation to diploma paper

bachelor’s degree
Topic: Comparison of linguistic features of the USA and Great Britain leaders
Author: ANNOTATION diploma paper
Supervisor: ANNOTATION diploma paper
In order to get support of the majority of electorate and win any elections or obtain support for certain issues a politician should have a number of qualities, such as intelligence, dedication, ability to find solutions to complex problems and others. However, in order to gain popularity he has to master public speaking skills. One of the main objectives of a politician is to convince people in the correctness of his own views, a political concept, etc. A skilled orator is able to capture the audience attention and make it feel and sometimes do what he says. This is why being a master in public speaking is so important for a politician.
The topicality of our research is proved by the fact that modern means of persuasion have reached a very high level. Every educated person should be at least familiar with the ways of human consciousness manipulation, able to timely notice them and do not succumb to their influence.
In our study we have chosen two well-known speeches of the USA and Great Britain politicians: George W. Bush Junior and Tony Blair, because their speeches were once to convince the whole world in the need to go to war in Iraq against Saddam Hussein that was an extremely difficult task.
Our study focuses on the analysis and description of linguistic features of speeches of George W. Bush Junior on September 12th, 2002 and Tony Blair on March 18th, 2003.
The research consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, list of references and appendices. The first chapter examines the political linguistics as a scince. The second chapter analyzes the linguistic features of political speeches by George W. Bush Junior and Tony Blair.

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annotation to diploma paper

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