example of master’s paper defence
One of the major tasks of studying in a higher educational institution is writing a master’s paper. The topic of our work is “Vocal abilities formation of preschool age children”.
The topicality of the work lies in the fact that many pedagogues, namely R. Zinych, N. Vetlugina, S. Sholomovych, N. Radynova, who had studied this problem, did not define the development of singing and ear of the music as a single whole.
In our work we draw the major attention to the age and individual peculiarities of preschool age children, namely children of the junior group (3-4 years of age), the middle group (4-5 years of age) and the senior group (5-6 years of age).
By means of individual lessons we solved this problem in practice. As the practice shows the music teacher does not have enough time to attend to all children at group lessons.
Thus having compared both tests we achieved the desired result by means of individual approach.
Our work consists of introduction, the first chapter, in which the main basics of vocal abilities formation of preschool age children are described, the second chapter, in which the methodology of formation experiment and the experiment itself are characterized, conclusions, list of literature and appendixes.